- Each country's weather is intimately correlated to its terrain and geographical location, determining not just clothing, housing and food styles, but also the type of warfare conducted there.
- The clearness of the skies, the presence or absence of moonlight and wind speeds play vital roles in the execution of specific operations. If the meteorological data are slightly unfavorable, the operation may fail.
- And the movement of troops by air requires that we pay close attention to the speed and direction of winds. Severe winds can play havoc with such operations, and, especially in terrain that are mostly mountainous, the enemy often hides in valleys sheltered on both sides by peaks.
- Cloud cover is another variable that threatens aerial operations. Clouds increase the chance that special operations troops can be attacked by the enemy, and routes through the mountains are subject to air turbulence and other life-threatening weather phenomena.
- From flying unmanned aircraft systems to long-range marksmanship, military weather analysis assures security and safety that showcases how it affects a variety of elements---ranging from air defense to threat systems.
- A strong wind (near +/-10) affects the projectile in the horizontal direction the same way gravity affects it in the vertical, so a cannonball could change direction and �fall� back towards the player that fired it!
Samira accuratelyreports weather so :
- Conditions that are too hot, too cold, too windy, or too wet and overcast do not interfere with normal operations.
- Swiftly communicating changes in operates that might be impacted by weather.
- Keeping troops safe whether they're stationed on the ground, at sea, or in the air.
Samira with its long range of 5 km can provide wind profile for every 100m. Commander becomes aware of current wind conditions, he or she may choose to take appropriate measures before firing the gun or cannon.
- Internal waves affect naval operations in two principal areas--depth control and detection capability.
- The passage of large-amplitude internal waves could make submarine depth control difficult, particularly when the submarine is running quietly at low speed.
- AUM_OCEAN monitors hydrodynamic signatures and provides real time information.
- AUM_OCEAN provides environmental information that is important for successful planning and execution of naval operations.
- AUM_OCEAN provides a thorough understanding of hydrodynamic signatures variability greatly increases the likelihood of mission success and of greatest use to the warfighter, needs to be directed towards assisting and solving battlefield problems.
- AUM_OCEAN with Array of things examines the following issues :
- How environmental data are used in current naval warfare doctrine,
- Current procedures for in situ collection of data,
- The present capabilities of the Navy's oceanographic community to provide supporting information for naval warfare operations, and
- The ability of oceanographic research and technology developments to enhance current naval warfare capabilities and countermeasures .