The application of Photonic Sensing System integrated with AI goes beyond "better" or "faster" processes.
It has the potential to unlock efficiencies across the oil and gas value chain.
From initial exploration activities all the way through to the end user, it is inspiring new ways to approaching exploration, development, production, transportation, refining and sales.


  • The continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) is based on innovative Photonic sensing technology namely AUM to measure Sulfur Dioxide (SO2 ) * Nitrogen Monoxide (NO) * Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2 ) * Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) * Oxygen (O2 ) * Carbon Monoxide (CO) * Total Hydrocarbon (THC) * Hydrogen Sulfide (H2 S) * hydrogen chloride, airborne particulate matter, mercury, volatile organic compounds, as well as temperature, flow and Opacity at the same time.
  • AUM is deployed on DRONE to monitor real time pollution. Laser scans and monitors the Motions, Gases and Particles. Thus, enabling the remote detector to gather relevant information.

Leakage, Fugitive gas, Fire detection integrated with Alarm

  • AUM_Sniffer real time monitoring identifies critical sources of leaks and and leads to focused maintenance intervention.
  • Objective of Photonic AUM Fire monitoring systems is to overcome the limitations of current sensing technologies.


  • Easy To implement, Highly Accurate and easier to operate
  • Real time detection of leakages, pressure and structural health of pipeline
  • Sensitive and Accurate with low false alarm
  • Raw Image collected from varying lighting, weather conditions like fog, can be improvised by smoke / cloud reduction and image stabilizing resulting to the extent 80% clarity.


  • NO INTERFERENCE AUM_GAS heads are not subjected to corrosives or contaminants in the gas because the sensor is isolated from the stream. The result is a sensor which does not suffer from contamination or drift due to vapor impurities such as glycol, methanol or amines.
  • PAYBACK Very quickly pays for itself by eliminating the cost of consumables, extra sensor heads, factory calibrations, labor, and overhead associated with excessive maintenance. Expensive problems caused by unreliable gas measurements such as added processing steps and poor gas quality can be eliminated.
  • RAPID RESPONSE TIME ALLOWS FOR FAST, SIMPLE OPERATION. AUM_GAS detector take measurements 1000's data points per mili second and average the results per second. These real-time measurements are not hampered by wet-up (absorption) or dry-down (desorption) as with surfaced based sensors.



AUM_IAQ monitors
  • Gases, VOC that are harmful in working space or godowns.
  • Ambient temperature
  • Radiant temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Air motion / flow
  • Metabolic rate (amount of energy expended)
  • Clothing insulation
Thereby maintains thermal equilibrium in the body of workers and staff


  • AUM_Fire is extremely sensitive that captures release of smoke even from cigarette. With clear line of sight, distance to monitor fire or smoke is not a limiting factor.
  • A building fire can lead to serious consequences - even a small fire can grow in seconds unless quickly suppressed.
  • Fire and security systems are critical to site safety.
  • Photonic systems can help ensure proper evacuation and limit the spread of fire, reducing damage and increasing the safety of personnel.
  • The severity of smoke or fire is predicted by AUM based photonic system and Array of things on increase in concentration.
  • AUM qualifies and quantifies the gas. Based on concentration of gas, information is sent to command and control system.
  • Laser light will travel to the source of fire or smoke, rather than waiting for smoke to reach the sensor.
  • Routine Vibration Analysis and Diagnosis : Turbine, Generator, Pump, Motor, Fan, Compressor etc.
    • Shaft and Rotor : Unbalance, Bent, Misalignment
    • Bearing : Damages, Distortion, Loss of Lubricants
    • Gear : Tooth Meshing Fault, Worn Teeth, Misalignment
    • Mechanical Looseness
  • VIDUR predictive maintenance, helps producers address maintenance issues in advance of equipment breakdown :
    • preventing extended downtime,
    • avoiding unnecessary damage,
    • improving operational efficiency,
    • and reducing maintenance costs.
  • VIDUR allows operators to stop production for just a few minutes each month, for example, to replace a fan that's about to break, rather than replacing each fan every year whether it needs it or not.
  • To implement systematic 4.0 predictive maintenance, companies must first equip all critical machines with VIDUR that monitor in-use equipment conditions, such as vibration, temperature, and pressure. They should then aggregate the data from these VIDUR into repositories, or "data lakes".
  • In addition, they should establish the performance thresholds that will trigger maintenance whenever the value from a VIDUR goes beyond the relevant threshold. Finally, VIDUR use machine-learning algorithms to analyze historical data, run simulations, uncover the root causes of past failures, and predict the risk of failure for each machine.
  • Predictive maintenance can add value to three primary installations in a cement plant the gear boxes; the mills, which are expensive and numerous; and the kiln, which requires long interventions in cases of breakdown and must be shut down for several weeks each year to replace the refractory lining.
  • Unfortunately, Metal and Concrete structures have misshapen throughout history and the consequences on humans and the environment have been very large.
  • Vidur monitors following important aspects :-
    • Vibration and Condition monitoring of targets like Machines, Turbines, cranes and all moving and vibrating components.
    • Weight and movement of any Target (Conveyor, Container, people, etc.) using Ground vibration.
  • Eyes and Brain working concurrently Visual Inspection & Photonic Sensing
  • Veda is creating Array of Things (AoT) that is capable of detecting, locating & classifying following threats in real time no matter how long the STRUCTURE is.
    • Right of Way Interface
    • Ground Strain and Seismic disturbances.
    • Geohazards & Forces of Nature
    • Theft, Sabotage & Threat
    • Detection of Manual Digging or Mechanical trenching that is Kms away.
    • Remoteness of any moving platform can be detected with a geolocation at a distance reaching 15Kms.
    • The Advanced non Imaging VEDA has monitoring capabilities for remote surveillance, sensing, inferring and enabling ALERT.


  • CATS Photonic sensing technologies provides INDUSTRY 4.0'S COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES :-
    • Production will be enhanced by Industry 4.0
    • Analytics-Driven Predictive Maintenance
    • Predictive Quality Analytics
    • Alternative Fuel Optimization
    • The Integrated Control Tower
    • Saving energy and raw materials and increasing sustainability.
    • Integrated plant engineering - connecting data
    • Optimization of production potential


  • CATSmart AI can augment usage in cement plants that materially impact safety. It can be used in condition, vibration and structural health monitoring, providing increased trust from the operator and reducing costs of repairs and reconstruction.
  • CATSmart AI and Cognitive sensor based architectural system integrated with IAOT and Industry 4.0 is composed of :
  • Few Photonic sensors installed based on crane characteristics : -
    • Vibration and Deflection
    • Weather and Pollution
    • Load and impact of speed of Vehicle.
    • Recording of sound.
  • Images Processing,
  • Communication devices,
  • Dynamic Big Data that stores crane condition data,
  • Cloud based server that calculates and analyzes data transmitted from the monitoring devices.


  • Manufacturing Industry can gain a lot of advantages from AoT by using production-line monitoring.
  • The AoT photonic sensors can detect an impending failure and this will help to enable proactive maintenance.
  • The Photonic sensors are so technologically advanced that they can sense where and when production is being compromised.
  • The new-age machines can be integrated with a whole load of distinct photonic sensor (vibration, sound, etc.) that all make use of AoT and are used for recognizing faults in the machines before it reaches the point where the machine stops working.
  • With the help of sensor alerts, the pieces of equipment and their malfunctions can be tracked. This further allows the industry to reduce operating costs, improvisation of the asset and also time management.
  • It can be said that every industry can benefit from Photonic Sensing technology and while that may be true, the oil and gas industry may stand to benefit the most. Oil and gas is one of the most lucrative industries, it's also one of the most dangerous. Photonic Sensing technology optimizes business operations, productivity, and safety. Here are six ways Photonic Sensing technology is solving various challenges of the oil and gas industry.
    • Damage and leakage Detection and Enhance Quality Assurance
    • Ensure Safety and Security Standards
    • Reduce Production and Maintenance Cost (The annual cost of corrosion in the oil and gas production industry is estimated to be $1.372 billion." )
    • Make Better Decisions with Analytics
    • Uncover New Insights In Oil and Gas Exploration
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