• The continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) is based on innovative Photonic sensing technology namely AUM to measure Sulfur Dioxide (SO2 ) Nitrogen Monoxide (NO) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2 ) Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) Oxygen (O2 ) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Total Hydrocarbon (THC) Hydrogen Sulfide (H2 S) hydrogen chloride, airborne particulate matter, mercury, volatile organic compounds, as well as temperature, flow and Opacity at the same time.
  • AUM eliminates conventional practice of in which a sample of gas is continuously drawn from the process point, filtered, transported, conditioned and presented to a gas analysis system. 
  • A beam of light pointed at source i.e. is 10's of meters away with clear line of sight can measure all the assigned parameters in one go on 24*7*365 real time basis. 
  • AUM also eliminates the ambient's temperature influence on measurement value and less interference of water vapor on SO2 and NO measurement.
  • AUM is integrated with data acquisition system and proprietary cloud platform. 
  • The data is used to generate reports, alarms or control some aspect of the client's process. 
  • Photonic system is the most appropriate analysis technique for the desired components and concentration ranges and a properly designed system provides the flexibility of easily upgrading, expanding or contracting the scope of emissions analysis.
  • AUM objective is to safeguard the environment and adhere to new, complex regulations, while continually improving business processes. 
  • AUM has excellent prolonged stability and no constrain of particulate matter, moisture or any cross interferences.
  • AUM for CEMS is highly reliable and can be customized and offer a full range of emissions monitoring products and customer support services.
Features Benefits
Continuous monitoring (CEMS)

AUM is the only continuous monitoring system which can be easily set up. Other methods provide either a snapshot of pollutants or are prone to data loss due primarily to weather (humidity). Monitors combination of gases. The system can also be customized as per user needs.

Measures and Monitors :- Sulfur Dioxide (SO2 ) Օ Nitrogen Monoxide (NO) Օ Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2 ) Օ Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) Օ Oxygen (O2 ) Օ Carbon Monoxide (CO) Օ Total Hydrocarbon (THC) Օ Hydrogen Sulfide (H2 S) Օ Hydrogen Chloride, Airborne Particulate matter, mercury, volatile organic compounds, as well as temperature, flow and Opacity at the same time.
Meteorological Measurement

Measures meteorological factors like temperature, humidity, wind parameters (speed, direction, pressure, velocity), precipitation that show how pollutants are transferred from source to recipient.

Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems (Aum_PEMS)
  • AUM_PEMS Prediction of AIR QUALITY using an Ensemble of Artificial Neural Networks and Regression Models
  • AUM_PEMS is advanced software platform based on real time and historical emission data, simulation, algorithm model, Key process variable supported with temperature, pressure and flow.
  • CEMS cannot correlate process status of emission levels. AUM_CEMS and AUM_PEMScompliment each other to predict or estimate emission.
Drone Emission Surveillance

AUM PORTABLE EMISSION MONITORING SYSTEM (AUM PEMS) is integrated with Drone for surveillance purpose over the industrial zone.

  • Drone Acharya swarms and collects data using AUM_CEMS integrated with Wireless Sensor Networks.